The UK’s 10 most expensive DVLA car number plates

The most expensive reg number plates that were sold at the DVLA auction are reviewed by National Numbers, one of the UK’s major vehicle registration number plate dealers.

1. DEV 1L (Price: £240,010)

This is the ideal private registration if you wish to spell “Devil,” hence the main reason for bagging the huge hammer price. In reality, nobody expected DVLA to release  DEV 1L plate as they generally refuse any contentious registrations. However, it was surprising to see it sell for a jaw-dropping amount £240,010.

2. 456 JR (Price: £37,010)

456 JR is an ideal number plate for someone with the initials J.R. Although it didn’t sell for as much as DEV 1L, it nevertheless attracted a high premium at auction.

The 456 JR plate buyer did not get beaten by any other year’s license plate in terms of price!

3. BTC 80Y – (Price: £35,010)

BTC is a popular hash for those who are well-versed in cryptocurrency. Here BTC is a short form for Bitcoin, which is the most popular and widely accepted crypto token. This buyer seems to be crazy about crypto seeing that £35k was paid for the BTC 80Y reg number.

4.      115 LAM (Price: £32,020)

The lettering “I” is not permitted on the UK registrations, with the exception of Irish reg plates. Most people try spelling a word with “I” letter on the reg plates by using the number “1” instead. This plate’s buyer has successfully spelled out the term “Islam” almost perfectly.

We may only guess that this buyer comes from a Muslim upbringing, or possibly is the name of the buyer. There are over 12 million people having “Islam” as the surname and over 8,25,000 individuals having their forename as “Islam”.

5. 841 G (Price: £30,000)

As this number plate includes only one letter, this turned out to be a costly registration number from the beginning. Therefore, it drew such a high hammer price; we must concede that it’s a great number.

6. RU22 ELL (Price: £27,610)

The number plate with Rusell is considered one of the most expensive plates sold at the 2021 reg plate auction. Since it correctly spells the name ‘Russell’, it is almost certain that the buyer’s name was Rusell which isn’t particularly surprising.

7. 11 SSP (Price: £25,010)

Does the buyer love statutory sick pay (SSP)? Or perhaps it stands for a name or their initials? This plate was sold for a whopping amount of £25,010.

8. 414 M (Price: £24,210)

The 414 M plate reads as “Alam,” a popular Arabic, Hindi, Malay, and Hebrew male name.

Alam has a variety of meanings across different cultures, such as “universe,” “entire world”, “knowledge” or “flag”. However, given the cost the buyer paid for this personalised reg number plate, the buyer may be “loaded”.

9. 1 THM (Price: £22,610)

The reg plates with the number 1 are always costly, when it is on its own on the registration plate. The buyer of 1 THM acquired this for approximately 22,000 GBP.

“1” is the most expensive vehicle registration in the universe which is owned by a businessman in the UAE. In 2008, an Abu Dhabi entrepreneur Saeed Khouri paid over £7 million for this plate.

10. 4 XRP (Price: £22,010)

XRP is a cryptocurrency token that resides among the Ripple network. XRP is a rival of Bitcoin and when it comes to license plates, has a lower price (apparently).

If you are looking for a distinctive vehicle reg number in the UK, search the website of National Numbers and select from more than 61 million private registration plates with zero percent interest financing available.