Maintenance 101: Truck vs. Cars

Getting your dream car or truck is an exciting step in life. It means navigating around more conveniently and more peaceful transportation of loads. Do you, however, take time to think about the greater maintenance responsibility of getting a new car or truck? Effective maintenance of your car or truck enhances your automobile’s safety, value, and performance besides lowering its running costs. So, what are some of the essential car/truck maintenance tips that every auto owner must know?

Regular Changing of Engine Oil and Filter

It is advisable for every car or truck owner to regularly change their engine oil and filters for effective auto performance. Besides the set 3000 miles or three months use, trucks require more oil and filter change than cars. In addition to traveling longer distances than cars, trucks are most likely to travel on dustier and rougher roads. 

Their exposure to more demanding conditions requires owners to change their engine oil and filters more often to prevent oil and dirt buildup in the filters. By keeping the engine safe, you prolong your car/truck’s performance and life. As for your car, you should replace its oil and filters depending on how often you use it and the conditions of the roads you ride regularly. Besides the three months and 3000 miles recommendation, you should find an auto expert to advise you accordingly as each car is unique.

Constant Monitoring of Tires

Tires are among the most significant parts of your car/truck. You should continuously monitor your car/truck tires regularly for wear and tear and adequate pressure, among other essentials. Perfect tires are vital not only for the excellent performance of the car but also for your safety. It is advisable to check the tire pressure at regular intervals and keep them inflated to the recommended pressure as per the manual. 

Uneven wear is another vital aspect to monitor during tire maintenance, and it is an indicator for bent wheels, internal tire damage, and worn-out brakes and shock absorbers. Uneven wear on your tires may indicate that it is time for a wheel realignment. Since poor wheel alignment results in steering issues and shortens the life of your tires, you should check it after every 50000km. Stiffer steering is also a reliable indicator of improper wheel alignment.

Since trucks carry heavier loads besides traveling more brutal roads, you should check their tires and change them more often. To avoid constant uneven wear and tear of the tires, you should practice regular tire rotation. The latter is a standard truck practice that involves taking off each tire and placing it in a different location. Besides ensuring tire wear and tear evenly, it also prolongs the life of the tires and enhances gas mileage.

In addition to the above, other car/truck maintenance tips include checking the fluid levels while monitoring the battery and spark plugs. Some fluids to note include engine coolants, steering fluids, brake, and windshield washer fluids. An optimal level of the fluids ensures excellent performance of the automobile besides a clean and perfectly working battery. The spark plugs are the heart of your engine. You should, therefore, regularly check them and replace them constantly for effective working and functioning of the engine.

How Does Car Maintenance Differ from Truck Maintenance?

While car maintenance may seem similar to truck maintenance, the two tasks are slightly different. Truck maintenance is more intense due to multiple reasons highlighted below:

-Cars and trucks are used differently- loads and road conditions

-Trucks’ fluid needs are slightly different from those of cars

-Truck maintenance requires up-sized parts, tools, and equipment for exemplary results

-Trucks experience constant wear and tear, which makes them riskier than carsKeep these things in mind when you are looking for trucks for sale.